Orinj Echo

Orinj version 7.0.0

The Orinj Echo is an effect that takes an input signal and repeats it several times. Each successive repetition is delayed and decayed – it comes later than the previous one and with smaller amplitude. In this echo, the delay between each two successive repetitions is the same. The decay between each two successive repetitions is also the same.

The Orinj Echo is very similar to the Orinj Delay, but allows multiple repetitions of the signal. The Orinj Delay creates only one repetition of the signal. In essence, the Orinj Echo is a delay with feedback.

An example of the Orinj Echo

The following sound sample contains three repetitions of an electric guitar solo. The first repetition is as recorded, without an echo. The second repetition uses a short echo of five repetitions, with 120 ms and 180 ms delay and 60% and 40% decay in the left and right channels respectively. The third repetition uses a longer echo of 10 repetitions, with 480 ms and 720 ms delay and 60% and 40% decay in the left and right channels respectively.

Click to play this example with an echo.

Play the echo example

Using the Orinj Echo

The Orinj Echo can be added to tracks, auxiliary channels, and the master channel in the multitrack session view and to waves in the single wave view.

  • To add the effect to a track in the session, first click on the track to select it. Click on Effect, Delay, and then on Orinj Echo in the menu.
  • To add the effect to an auxiliary channel in the session, click on Track, then Groups / Aux Channels, and then on Aux Channel Controls in the menu. In the auxiliary channel control dialog, click on the Add button.
  • To add the effect to the master channel in the session, click on Track and then on Master Channel in the menu. In the master channel dialog, click on the Add button.
  • To add the effect to a wave in the single wave view, click on Effect, Delay, and then on Orinj Echo in the menu.

You will see the following dialog.

The Orinj Echo dialog

When this dialog becomes visible, the Orinj Echo effect has been added. Adjust the parameters of the echo, which are described below, in the dialog above and click Close.

Orinj Echo parameters

See Orinj Effects for an explanation of the Title, Track, Presets, Bypass, and Lock channels controls. The remaining Orinj Echo controls are described below:

  • Left channel delay: Use these controls – the box and the slider – to set the delay between the original signal and the first repetition of the echo signal in the left channel. The same amount will be used as the delay between the first and second repetition of the echo signal, between the second and third repetition of the echo signal, and so on. The delay amount is specified in milliseconds (ms) and can be between 0 ms and 1000 ms (1 second).
  • Left channel decay: Use these controls – the box and the slider – to set the decay of the echo. The decay is the amplitude of the first repetition as percent of the amplitude of the original signal. The same decay will be used as the ratio of the amplitudes of the second and first repetition of the echo signal, the ratio of the amplitudes of the third and second repetition of the echo signal, and so on. The decay is between 0% and 100%, where 100% means no decay (the first and every other repetition of the echo signal is of the same amplitude as the original signal) and 0% means complete decay (the amplitude of the first and every other repetition of the echo signal is zero).
  • Left channel invert: Click on this checkbox to invert the phase of the echo signal in the left channel (to turn the signal upside down). Inverting the phase is said to produce interesting effects with certain other settings.
  • Right channel delay: Use these controls – the box and the slider – to set the delay between the original signal and the first repetition of the echo signal (and between each two successive repetitions of the echo) in the right channel. These controls work in the same way as the left channel delay controls, but on the right channel.
  • Right channel decay: Use these controls – the box and the slider – to set the decay of the echo signal in the right channel. These controls work in the same way as the left channel decay controls, but on the right channel.
  • Right channel invert: Click on this checkbox to invert the phase of the echo signal in the right channel.
  • Max repetitions: Use this spinner to set the maximum number of repetitions that the echo should have. In theory, the amplitude of each repetition of the echo is smaller, but is a constant multiple of the amplitude of the previous repetition. This means that it will never become zero. In practice, the amplitude of the repetitions will become zero at some point, as PCM wave data can use only a finite number of values to represent the value of the signal. Nevertheless, this control is here so that you can limit the number of echo repetitions that that show up in your signal so that the echo is not overly long. The maximum repetitions can be between 1 and 50.

See Orinj Effects for additional notes on: where Orinj effects can be used, using boxes and sliders that impact the same parameter (such as the box and slider for the left channel delay), applying effects to mono and stereo waves, and using effects during playback. The parameters for the left and right channels are separate, as a number of interesting effects can be created if the echo in the two channels differs (e.g., you can bounce the echo from one channel to the other). See Orinj Working with effects for additional information on creating, modifying, moving, and removing effects. See Delay effect for additional information on the different types of delay effects, including echoes, in audio processing.

Dry and wet mix

The Orinj Echo supports dry and wet mix changes. That is, you can adjust the mix between the original signal and the echo. See Orinj Effects for more information.

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