Playlist chunk (of a Wave file)

A playlist chunk in the Wave file format contains the following information.

Byte sequence description Length in bytes Starts at byte in the chunk Value
chunk ID 4 0x00 The ASCII character string "plst"
size 4 0x04 The size of the playlist chunk (number of bytes) less 8 (less the "chunk ID" and the "size"). Since each segment has 12 bytes, this is also equal to the number of segments multiplied by 12
number of segments 4 0x08 The number of segments that follow
data various 0x0C A list of segments

The playlist defines a series of cue points (see Cue chunk (of a Wave file)), which refer to some segments of the file, defines in what order the segments should be played, how long each segment is and how many times it should be repeated during playback.

Each segment in the playlist has the following structure.

Byte sequence description Length in bytes Starts at byte in the segment Value
cue point ID 4 0x00 The ID of the cue point in the cue chunk
segment length 4 0x04 The length of the segment in number of samples to play from the sample defined by the cue point
repeats 4 0x08 The number of times the segment should be repeated

See also:
Wave file format

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