Orinj version 8.0.0
Each track in the loop building view is equipped with a track control panel. The panel resides to the left of the track and allows various operations on the track. The following is the track control panel.
Track title
The track title is at the top of the track control panel (e.g., "Track 1" in the picture above). To change the track title, type a new one here. The track titles help you to organize your loop. For example, you can enter "Kick drum".
Volume controls
Use the volume control () to change the volume of the track in the loop mix. You can type a new volume value, use the up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the volume, or press ENTER or double-click with the mouse in the control to call the volume dialog shown here.
Use either the text box in this dialog or the slider. The two controls work together. If the value of one of them changes, the value of the other one will change as well. It is usually easier to use the slider for larger changes and the text box for more precise changes. Change the volume in the dialog and close the dialog when you are done. You can also press ENTER to close the dialog.
(Tip: You can also click on Track and then on Volume in the loop building menu to get the same volume dialog above.)
Pan controls
Use the pan control () to change the pan of the track in the loop mix. You can type a new pan value, use the up and down arrow keys to move the pan right and left respectively, or press ENTER or double-click with the mouse in the control to call the pan dialog shown here.
As with the volume dialog above, the text box and slider of the pan dialog work together. Use the dialog to change the pan and close it when you are done. Pressing ENTER in the dialog also closes it.
(Tip: You can also click on Track and then on Pan in the loop building menu to get the same pan dialog above.)
A negative pan number means panning to the left. A positive pan number means panning to the right. A pan of negative 100 is left channel only and a pan of positive 100 is right channel only. A pan of positive 25 means that a gain in the right channel of 1.25 (4.5 dB) and a gain in the left channel of 0.75 (-5.75 dB). All sound processing in Orinj is stereo. Mono sound is converted to stereo sound during mixing and playback.
Mute button
Use the mute button () to mute a track. You will not hear the muted track during playback.
(Tip: You can also click on Track and then on Mute in the loop building menu to mute the current track.)
Solo button
Use the solo button () to solo a track. When a track is soloed, all other tracks become muted and will not be heard during playback, unless soloed as well.
(Tip: You can also click on Track and then on Solo in the loop building menu to solo the current track.)
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