Orinj Generator framework

Orinj version 8.0.0

Note: This page is not for the users of Orinj, but for developers who want to create generators for Orinj.

A generator is simply an algorithm that produces a signal with specific properties. The Orinj square wave generator, for example, produces a sampled audio signal for a square wave.

The Orinj generators are available starting with version 4.0.0. They are placed in the Orinj single wave view. Using them produces wave files that are opened in this view and made available for further work.

Orinj generators

Orinj comes with the following generators.

The Orinj generator framework

All Orinj generators follow a specific framework – they implement specific Java interfaces and extend specific Java classes and have to be placed in Java JAR files that contain XML descriptions according to a strictly defined XML schema. This allows Orinj to recognize and import generators during startup. These generators are not a part of the Orinj code and can be created and updated without Orinj. Similarly, Orinj can be updated without changing the generators. This also means that developers can create their own generators.

The following are topics on the Orinj generator framework.

  • orgenerator.jar – this JAR file is the basis for all Orinj generators. It contains the interfaces that should be implemented by the generator itself and by the graphical user interface for the generator.
  • Square wave – this topic includes the source code for an example Orinj generator – a square wave with a user defined frequency.

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