Orinj Track control panel in the single wave view

Orinj version 8.0.0

The leftmost panel in the single wave view contains several controls for the current wave.

Volume control

Volume controls

Use the volume control to adjust the volume of the wave during playback. You can type the volume at the top of the control or you can adjust the slider. Both controls work together and each one will change when the other one changes. When in the control, you can also use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to increase or decrease the volume. If this wave is also used in the multitrack session view, its volume in the multitrack session will not be changed.

Pan control

Pan controls

Use the pan control to adjust the pan of the wave during playback. You can type the pan at the top of the control or you can adjust the slider. As with the volume controls, both pan controls work together. When in the control, you can also use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to move the pan right and left respectively. These controls will not change the pan of the wave in the multitrack session, if this wave is also used in the session.

A negative pan number means panning to the left. A positive pan number means panning to the right. A pan of negative 100 is left channel only and a pan of positive 100 is right channel only. A pan of positive 25 means that a gain in the right channel of 1.25 (4.5 dB) and a gain in the left channel of 0.75 (-5.75 dB). All sound processing in Orinj is stereo. Mono sound is converted to stereo sound during mixing and playback.

VU meter

VU meter

The VU meter monitors the output gain when playing the wave. If the wave clips, the top buttons of the meter will "light up". Click on them to return them to their normal state.

Output device button

Click on the output device button (Output device button) to select the output device that will play the wave. You will see the following dialog.

Output device dialog

Select an output device in this dialog and click OK. (The "Primary Sound Driver" is usually the device selected as the default one in your operating system).

Show volume envelopes button

Click on the show volume envelopes button (Volume envelope button) to show or hide the volume envelopes of the wave (volume automation). See Orinj Track control panel in the multitrack session for more information.

Show pan envelopes button

Click on the show pan envelopes button (Pan envelope button) to show or hide the pan envelopes of the wave (pan automation). See Orinj Track control panel in the multitrack session for more information.

Effect controls

Effect controls

The effects that are applied to your wave will be listed here.

  • To move an effect up in the order of effects, select it and click on the Up button. (Tip: You can also click on Effect and then on Move Up in the Orinj menu).
  • To move an effect down in the order of effects, select it and click on the Down button. (Tip: You can also click on Effect and then on Move Down in the Orinj menu).
  • To remove an effect, select it and click on the Remove button. (Tip: You can also click on Effect and then on Remove in the Orinj menu.)
  • To change the parameters of an effect, select it and click on the Modify button or click on Effect and then on Modify in the Orinj menu. You will see a dialog with parameters specific to the effect that you are want to change.

To add effects or process them (embed them permanently in the wave file), use the commands under Effect in the Orinj menu.

As with the rest of the controls in this panel, the effects are only applied to this wave and do not affect the multitrack session.

Dry and wet mix controls

Dry mix controls

Wet mix controls

Use the dry and wet mix controls to adjust the dry and wet mix of an effect. Select the effect in the effect list box and adjust these controls as you wish. When in the controls, you can also use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard. Not all effects have a dry and a wet mix and depending on which effect is selected, these controls may be disabled. See Orinj Effects for more information.

Show dry and wet mix envelope buttons

Use the Show dry mix envelope button (Dry mix envelope button) to display the dry mix envelope of an effect (dry mix automation). Use the Show wet mix envelope button (Wet mix envelope button) to show the wet mix envelope of an effect (wet mix automation). These button may be disabled if there are no effects or if the current effect has no dry and wet mix. See Orinj Effects for more information.

Peak amplitude scale

If you open a wave file in the single wave view, the track control panel will show the peak amplitude of the wave in decibels. The decibel scale is next to the right border of the track control panel, to the left of the wave. There will be one scale for mono waves and two scales for stereo waves.

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