Here are the major changes between this version 6.0.0 and the previous version 5.1.1.
- Allowed inserting SoundFont (SF2) and Downloadable Sounds (DLS) files in the loop building tree and the use of SF2 and DLS samples in loops. In version 5, the loop building view was designed to handle only wave samples and was mostly used for drums. It allowed no controls over hit length or pitch. Version 6 allows all general MIDI instruments and can control note pitch and note length.
- Added track grouping, auxiliary channels, and master channel controls. Tracks can be grouped, which helps with organizing sessions with many tracks. Each group can become an auxiliary channel, which means it can have its own volume, pan, and effect controls. The master channel is the overall mix and can also have its own volume, pan, and effect controls. As with track effects, auxiliary and master channel effects are applied during playback and are not incorporated in the sound data on disk.
- Changed the handling of MIDI files. MIDI files are now automatically mixed to wave files, when inserted into sessions. They can still be opened in the MIDI roll view and changed, after which they will automatically be re-mixed and the changes will be reflected into the session. Since MIDI files in the session are now waves, effects can be placed on them. A General MIDI compliant SF2 or DLS file must be specified in the Orinj preferences and many such files are available for free downloads from other sites.
- Java 7 is no longer supported.
- Fixed a bug in MIDI playback in the MIDI roll view to pick up the right MIDI instrument when playing the file from the middle.
- The Orinj license is now version 6 specific. Previous version licenses will not work on version 6.
Version 6 is a beta release. It should be stable, but there will be some additional testing. Thus, version 5.1.1 is still available for download.
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