Orinj version 7.0.0
Note: This page is not for the users of Orinj, but for developers who want to create digital signal processing effects for Orinj.
The file effect.xml is a part of the example Orinj effect Example Delay. This XML file tells Orinj what effects are present in the effect JAR package and how these effects can be used.
This link contains the XML schema for this file.
The code of effect.xml in Example Delay is as follows.
- <effectpack xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://www.recordingblogs.com/rbdocs/xml orinjeffect.xsd">
- <effect>
- <effectclass>com.recordingblogs.exampledelay.Delay</effectclass>
- <dialogclass>com.recordingblogs.exampledelay.DelayPanel</dialogclass>
- <title>Example Delay</title>
- <version>3.0</version>
- <type>delay</type>
- <translations>
- <translation>
- <codeISO639-2>eng</codeISO639-2>
- <translatedtitle>Example Delay</translatedtitle>
- </translation>
- </translations>
- </effect>
- </effectpack>
The following are important notes.
- Orinj will look through all JAR files placed in the Orinj/orange/effects folder of the Orinj installation. In each JAR file, Orinj will attempt to find the file effect.xml at the top of the JAR file. If the file effect.xml is not present, the JAR file will be ignored and its effects will not be loaded. Each JAR effect package must contain the file effect.xml, the name of this XML file must be "effect.xml" and not something else, and the XML file must reside at the top of the JAR file and not in subfolders.
- The <effectclass> and <dialogclass> items must specify the precise names of the constructors for the effect and its graphical user interface panel respectively. Orinj will use these to create the effect.
- There can be more than one <effect> block in the effect.xml file. Each effect pack JAR file can contain more than one effect and that all effects will be specified in a single effect.xml file.
- The <title> of the effect is the title that will be placed in the Orinj menu.
- The <version> item should be a decimal, not a string.
- The allowed types for the <type> item are specified in the XML schema. These are: delay (e.g., delay, chorus, echo), reverb, dynamics (e.g., compressor, gate), equalization, filtering (e.g., notch filter), other. It is up to you to classify your effect as one type or another. This is used by Orinj only so that effects are ordered in the Orinj effect menus.
- There could be more than one <translation> under <translations>, which means that the title in <title> can be translated to multiple languages.
See also:
Orinj Effect framework
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