Orinj version 8

Submitted by mic on Thu, 05/30/2024 - 09:46

Orinj version 8.0.0 is a beta release with several important changes and numerous other improvements.

New auxiliary channels

Auxiliary channels in Orinj version 8 are session tracks. They are shown as tracks in the session and allow all the controls that other tracks use, including effects and envelopes (automation).

There are benefits of implementing aux channels as tracks. First, you can see them and reach them without extra clicks. You can easily add effects. You can now use volume, pan, dry mix, and wet mix envelopes. You can mute and solo aux channels. You can reorder them as you wish.

Aux channel tracks do make some of the processing logic in Orinj more complex. For example, if you solo an aux channel, the tracks that go into it would be muted, but they would still be heard through the aux channel. If, on the other hand, you solo a track that goes into an aux channel, the aux channel will be muted unless soloed itself. In this case, the track will not be heard.

As always, you can send tracks to the aux channel, in which case they will be heard only through that aux channel. You can also copy tracks to the aux channel, in which case they will be heard through the aux channel, but also by themselves. This copying of tracks to an aux channel is useful if, for example, you want to manage the wet part of an effect separately from the track.

Adding and removing tracks

You can now add and remove tracks. This means that you can extend your session theoretically indefinitely. You are no longer limited to the number of tracks originally provided with a new session.

As always, removing tracks in Orinj is not destructive. The sound files that are part of the removed track are not destroyed and you can always bring the track back.

MIDI recording and MIDI devices

You can now record MIDI sequences in the MIDI roll view. You can also change MIDI input and output devices.

MIDI recordings are MIDI sequences placed in MIDI files (/wiki/orinj-working-with-midi-files). You can edit those with the Orinj MIDI functionality (/wiki/orinj-working-with-midi-notes-and-controls).

MP3 decoding

You can now import MP3 files into your session. Those files will be decoded into wave files that you can then use as any other recorded or inserted wave file.


We reduced the number of skins used in Orinj. This, of course, means that you have fewer skin choices. However, there are benefits. We have removed the skins that are becoming outdated for the Orinj code base and, most importantly, you can now switch skins without having to restart Orinj.

Other improvements

Here are a few other improvements.

  • We have improved the controls for the MIDI modulation wheel, key pressure, and channel pressure controls.
  • We have changed the defaults of the pitch shift so that it works better without too many initial adjustments by you.
  • We have added a pitch shift effect that works as all other effects, during runtime.
  • We have added a gain effect. A gain effect is a simple change in gain, but this was necessary. Track gain controls in the Orinj session are applied after any effects. The gain effect can be applied before other effects.
  • We adjusted the convolution effect to avoid clipping.

authors: mic

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