Orinj version 7.0.0
Orinj has four main views: multitrack session, single waves, loop building, and MIDI roll.
Multitrack session
Use this view is to record audio tracks and mix them into a single song. The following are examples of what you can do in this view.
- Select the sampling resolution and sampling rate of your recording session. Many sampling rates (up to 99.2 kHz) are permitted. All standard sampling resolutions (8, 16, 24, 32) are permitted.
- Record a single audio track or several audio tracks at once. Each track can use a separate audio device for its input signal. Recording can start from the beginning of the track or in the middle. Tracks that already have audio data (previous recordings) will be played during recording so that you can listen to these while recording. Choose to have a delayed start of the recording.
- Insert wave files or MIDI files that were recorded in other sessions or with other software. Many wave sampling rates (up to 99.2 kHz) and all standard sampling resolutions (8, 16, 24. 32) are permitted. Standard PCM and other wave formats (AIFF, AU, other) are permitted. The wave may be converted to a new file with the sampling rate and resolution of the session. Format types 0 and 1 MIDI files are expected.
- Insert loop files built with Orinj (see below).
- Move, remove, mute, fade, and cut wave files, MIDI files, or loops, or loop these files (i.e., repeat them multiple times in the same track). Adjust options for snapping when moving sound blocks (see Orinj Preferences).
- Control the volume and pan of each track in the mix or of a portion of the track (gradually or instantaneously). Mute, solo (i.e., mute all other tracks), move, and rename tracks.
- Add effects to each tracks, such as delays, equalizers, reverb, compressors, noise gates, notch filters, pitch shifts, and other. Remove, modify, or bypass added effects. Apply effects to the whole track or to portions of the track. Change the dry and wet mix of selected effects for the whole track or for portions of the track. Compute effects during playback or "process" the effects, permanently embedding them in the audio files.
- Create auxiliary channels, add effects to these channels, and adjust their volume and pan.
- Add effects to the master mix and adjust the volume and pan of the master mix.
- Zoom in and out of your session or make selections and zoom into these selections.
- Play the whole song or a portion of the song. Pause, stop, fast forward, rewind, and loop playback.
- Mix all recorded audio data into one single musical piece.
- Add, move, and remove markers with comments about your session.
- Create, export, and import stacks of effects.
- Choose the playback device.
Orinj editing is not destructive. If the data of a sound file is changed, a copy of the sound file will be created until the user decides to save that file to the existing or new copy.
See also:
Orinj Working with sessions
Orinj Working with session tracks
Orinj Working with session blocks
Orinj Working with effects
Orinj Working with markers
Single waves
Use this view is to work with a single wave file. The following are examples of what you can do in this view.
- Open one or more wave files, independently of whether these are used in your session.
- Modify the audio format of wave files. See Orinj Audio formats.
- Add effects to the wave files, such as echoes, delays, equalizers, reverb, compressors, and other. Remove, modify, or bypass added effects and apply them to the whole wave file or to portions of it. Change the dry and wet mix of selected effects. Compute effects during playback or "process" them to embed the permanently in the wave file.
- Change the volume and pan of the wave, for the whole wave or for a portion of the wave (gradually or instantaneously).
- Zoom in and out along the time line.
- Play the wave, stop, pause, rewind, fast forward, play only what is visible on the screen, or play a portion of the wave in a loop.
- Reverse, stretch, pitch shift, or auto tune waves. Reduce noise or replace drum and similar short samples in waves.
- Change the meta properties of waves (e.g., the name of the author).
- Examine the frequency content of waves.
- Generate certain types of waves, such as square waves or saw waves.
- Create, export, and import stacks of effects.
If you use this view to change a wave that is a part of your multitrack session, the changes will be included in the session automatically.
Orinj editing is not destructive. If the data of a sound file is changed, a copy of the sound file will be created until the user decides to save that file to the existing or new copy.
See also:
Orinj Working with waves in the single wave view
Orinj Working with effects
Orinj Working with markers
Loop building
Use this view is to create drum loops from short wave drum samples. The following are examples of what you can do in this view.
- Select samples to use. Orinj comes with a complete set of drum samples (see Orinj Installation files). This set contains various drum hits for most common drum instruments, such as the kick, snare, high hat, ride, crashes, bongos, etc. All files are organized in a folder of the Orinj installation.
- Add other samples to Orinj by simply copying such samples to the same folder, in whatever subfolders you deem fit.
- Add Downloadable Sounds (DLS) and SoundFont (SF2) files and use all General MIDI 1 instruments in your loop (e.g., piano, brass, strings, wind). Adjust the note and note length for each instrument.
- Build loops by pulling samples into tacks and adding drum and other instrument hits that specify which samples should be used and when. Add, remove, or move drum hits and DLS and SF2 notes.
- Use existing loops. Orinj comes with a set of pre-created loops that you can use or modify.
- Change tempo and time signature of loops. Loops can be imported into the multitrack session and you can adjust their tempo and time signature to be consistent with the session.
- Adjust volume and pan, mute and solo tracks, and reorder tracks.
- Mix the loop into a single audio file.
If you use this view to change a loop that is a part of your session, the changes will be included in your session automatically.
See also:
Orinj Working with loops
Orinj Working with loop tracks
Orinj Working with loop hits
Orinj Working with effects
Orinj Working with markers
MIDI roll
Use this view to create and modify MIDI files. The following are examples of what you can do in this view.
- Test MIDI sounds with the MIDI roll, which contains a piano that works as a synthesizer.
- Build MIDI files by adding, changing and removing notes, instruments, and controllers (volume, pan, pitch, time signature, tempo, and key signature). A separate wave track at the bottom of the view helps in creating MIDI files that are consistent (e.g., tempo and time signature) with any wave that is opened.
- Zoom in and out along the time line or along the piano roll.
- Play, stop, pause, rewind, and fast forward your file.
- Record or convert the MIDI file to a wave file that can then be imported in the multitrack session to become a part of the song.
- Change the DLS or SF2 file used to convert MIDI files to wave files.
If you use this view to change a MIDI file that is a part of your session, the changes will be included in your session automatically.
See also:
Orinj Working with MIDI files
Orinj Working with MIDI notes and controls
Orinj Working with waves in the MIDI roll view
Orinj Working with markers
General functionality
The following functionality exists in all views.
- Change audio buffers (the one-time amount of data that is sent for playback, received from recording, read from disk, or written to disk) to adjust processing speed and responsiveness.
- Examine sound device properties (i.e., supported sampling rates and resolutions).
- Change the tempo and time signature of views (useful to ensure the tempo and time signature of sound files correspond to the tempo and time signature of the session).
- Monitor file, session, and screen start time, end time, and time lengths.
- Monitor playback and recording time.
- Monitor processing loads (CPU usage).
- Change Orinj look and feel (skins).
- Change the Orinj language.
See also:
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